Friday, July 25, 2008

Dover and Canterbury Pictures and The Lion King

Album: White Cliffs and Pilgrimages

FINALLY I got these up! Hopefully I will have Cotswolds pictures up soon because tomorrow I'm going to Hampton Court Palace, and I'm sure I'll take a ton more pictures.

Quick note: Yesterday I went to the Lion King musical, and I really enjoyed it! A few of the new songs felt a bit like filler, but the costumes, puppets, choreography, and dancing were absolutely amazing! Plus it was very nostalgic for the three of us who went because the Lion King was a part of our childhood. I kept thinking about how the Lion King storyline draws on typical mythic structures, such as the death of a mentor, the 'chosen one' who figuratively dies and comes back to life, and even the more modern 'mythic' story of the reluctant ruler. I just have to assert once again that theatre in general but especially musicals are just about my favorite things ever!

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